Dec 21st, 2010 by heided |
For those of you non-Lansing residents who are attending the Lansing ceremony, we’ve reserved a block of rooms at the Hampton Inn in Lansing. The cost per night is $89, just make sure to let the person you book with over the phone (the hotel’s number is 517-627-8381) that you’re with the Gustad/Corcoran wedding. You can also click here to reserve a room from our block automatically.
Remember to book your rooms by February 11.
Dec 16th, 2010 by heided |
Dec 8th, 2010 by heided |
After dealing with gathering addresses, mail merges, and Staples, my hero of a fiance got our address labels all printed. They’re in the mail today!

Tip: Always use a glue stick to seal envelopes.

Invites on my desk at work awaiting mail drop-off.
PS: Never use Staples if you can at all avoid it. They royally screwed up our address labels. Ed has a computer science degree; he knows what he’s doing with an effing mail merge.
Nov 24th, 2010 by heided |

Ed & Heidi at Sweetie-Licious Pie Pantry, our wedding "cake" vendor! ©2010 Trumpie Photography
This post is for all of our non-Lansing family and friends. There was an article about us in the most recent issue of a local publication, Capital Gains. Click here to read the full article and see all of the pictures of Heidi and Ed.
On an unrelated note, we’re planning on sending out official invitations in the next couple weeks. With the timing of our wedding, we realize that they could get lost in the holiday shuffle. Just comment here at our website, call our parents or email us if you need a reminder on any HeidEdWed-related details!
Nov 8th, 2010 by heided |
Dear Zappos,
Your 365-day return policy and free shipping saved a lot of my wedding attire budget.